What A Wonderful World!


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Necessity of What a Wonderful World

What ?

In a world increasingly threatened by the adverse effects of climate change, the "What a Wonderful World" project emerges as a beacon of hope and action. This initiative recognizes the urgent need to address the escalating environmental challenges that jeopardize our collective future. Our approach is grounded in the belief that change begins with awareness and education.

How ?

Through this project, we aim to empower the younger generation, collaborating with organizations across six different nations. Our focus is on enhancing eco-literacy—a comprehensive understanding of environmental principles and the importance of living in harmony with nature. We believe that by cultivating this knowledge, we can inspire and implement tangible actions to mitigate the impacts of climate change.

When ?

In next two year we will encompasses a blend of informative and interactive activities designed to deepen the understanding of climate-related issues. By engaging young people in practical and theoretical learning, we strive to foster a culture of sustainability and responsible environmental stewardship.

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Reducing Footprints

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Creating an Eco-Literacy Guide

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Aim to slash the carbon and water footprint of project participants by 50% within two years. This significant reduction will serve as a testament to the efficacy of our methods and the commitment of our participants.

We are dedicated to cultivating eco-literacy skills among young people. By educating them on the principles and limits of nature, we prepare a generation that not only understands the importance of environmental harmony but also actively works towards achieving it.

Developing Eco-Literacy

Developing Eco-Literacy

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We are dedicated to cultivating eco-literacy skills among young people. By educating them on the principles and limits of nature, we prepare a generation that not only understands the importance of environmental harmony but also actively works towards achieving it.

Engaging through Multiple Channels

Organizing and participating in conferences, leveraging social media, and launching challenge campaigns to amplify our message and engage a broader audience.

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Comprehensive reports

What is a Comprehensive Report?

A Comprehensive Report is a detailed document that captures all facets of an initiative or project, synthesizing data, insights, and outcomes into a coherent narrative. For the "What a Wonderful World" (WAWW) project, this report embodies an exhaustive overview of the project’s activities, findings, and impacts across multiple dimensions of environmental stewardship.

Background of report

Explore the "What a Wonderful World" (WAWW) project through our Comprehensive Report, which encapsulates the ambitious initiative to cultivate eco-literacy among Europe’s youth across Austria, Greece, Italy, Romania, Serbia, and Türkiye. This report offers an in-depth analysis of the project's strategic educational interventions and their impact on reducing environmental footprints while fostering a sustainable mindset among participants. It highlights the project’s innovative approaches, from extensive surveys to thematic workshops and insightful focus group discussions, illustrating how these efforts synergize to enhance environmental awareness and action.


The WAWW project exemplifies the power of targeted educational programs and community engagement in shaping a more sustainable future. Our report provides a detailed evaluation of the methodologies employed, the engagement strategies utilized, and the measurable outcomes achieved, demonstrating the transformative effects of integrating eco-literacy into the fabric of youth education. As we navigate the complexities of environmental challenges, this report serves as a crucial resource for stakeholders seeking to replicate success and expand the reach of eco-conscious education. Join us in this detailed exploration of our journey towards cultivating a generation of informed and motivated environmental stewards.

Who is This Report For?

The WAWW project exemplifies the power of targeted educational programs and community engagement in shaping a more sustainable future. Our report provides a detailed evaluation of the methodologies employed, the engagement strategies utilized, and the measurable outcomes achieved, demonstrating the transformative effects of integrating eco-literacy into the fabric of youth education. As we navigate the complexities of environmental challenges, this report serves as a crucial resource for stakeholders seeking to replicate success and expand the reach of eco-conscious education. Join us in this detailed exploration of our journey towards cultivating a generation of informed and motivated environmental stewards.

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Accessing the Report

The full report is readily accessible in multiple languages, translated for all partner countries involved in the WAWW project, ensuring inclusivity and wide dissemination of the knowledge garnered. For your convenience, the report can be read online directly on our website or downloaded as a PDF to accommodate diverse reading preferences and needs. This accessibility underscores our commitment to spreading the impact of the WAWW project as far as possible, empowering individuals and communities worldwide to engage with and benefit from our findings.

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What is project What A Wonderfool Word


"What a Wonderful World" is an innovative and impactful project under the framework of KA2 Youth, a segment of the renowned Erasmus+ program. This initiative is proudly funded and supported by the Erasmus+ program through the Austrian National Agency, reflecting a commitment to fostering educational and environmental excellence across Europe and beyond.

The project's identification number is 2023-1-AT01-KA220-YOU-000157207, which signifies its unique place within the array of Erasmus+ funded initiatives. "What a Wonderful World" stands out as a prime example of international collaboration and dedication to addressing critical issues of our time, particularly climate change and environmental sustainability.

Through this project, we aim to harness the power of youth engagement and cross-country collaboration to make a significant and positive impact on our planet. By focusing on eco-literacy and sustainable practices, "What a Wonderful World" is not just a project title; it's a vision we are turning into reality, one step at a time.

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflectmthose of the European Union or the EuropeanmEducation and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA).mNeither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
