
The “What A Wonderful World” (WAWW!) project brings together a diverse coalition of six organizations from across Europe, united in their commitment to fostering eco-literacy among young people. This unique partnership spans Austria, Turkey, Romania, Greece, Italy, and Serbia, creating a rich tapestry of cultural perspectives and expertise.
Our partnership embodies the spirit of European collaboration, bringing together organizations with varied backgrounds in youth work, environmental education, sports, cultural exchange, and social inclusion. This diversity allows us to approach eco-literacy from multiple angles, ensuring a comprehensive and inclusive approach to environmental education.

Together, we work towards creating a comprehensive Eco-Literacy Guide, organizing impactful Learning, Teaching, and Training Activities (LTTAs), and implementing local initiatives that resonate with young people across Europe. Our collaborative efforts extend beyond the project, as we aim to build lasting networks and partnerships that will continue to promote environmental awareness and action long after the project’s conclusion.

Through this partnership, we not only address pressing environmental issues but also foster intercultural understanding and European cooperation. By bringing together young people and educators from diverse backgrounds, we create a microcosm of European solidarity, working together for a more sustainable and eco-literate future.


IEC Austria specializes in developing projects, training courses, and non-formal learning activities to support and improve the use of NFE, sport, music, and art as tools for social inclusion, mutual understanding, entrepreneurial development, empowerment, and leadership.


KARGENC is a youth and sports association dedicated to promoting sports, cultural exchange, and holistic development among children and youth. They have a strong focus on environmental awareness and sustainable practices.


Hellas for Us is an eco-friendly organization which strives to promote environmental and social values among the young community. They organize and participate in seminars, conferences and youth exchanges in the field of environment, community-based economy, and climate change.


Nevo Parudimos is an NGO focused on reducing economic, social, and educational disparities in society. They work primarily with Roma communities and have extensive experience in youth work and environmental projects.


L’ORMA is a non-profit educational agency that develops and delivers formative sport and expressive experiences based on non-formal education. They aim at personal and professional growth of children, parents, and teachers, with a focus on environmental protection and sustainability.


L’ORMA is a non-profit educational agency that develops and delivers formative sport and expressive experiences based on non-formal education. They aim at personal and professional growth of children, parents, and teachers, with a focus on environmental protection and sustainability.

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